
t(text: str) -> frame

Render a piece of text. This function will likely be renamed to text in the future, when string prefixes are supported.

The origin of the returned frame is on the baseline of the first line.

Font selection

The font can be selected with the font_family and font_style variables. Font features can be provided as a list of strings in the font_features variable. Features must be specified in hb_feature_from_string format. For example:

// Enable stylistic set 1 and 2.
font_features = ["ss01"; "ss02"]

// Disable ligatures and kerning, when the font enables them by default.
font_features = ["-liga"; "-kern"]


Alignment can be controlled with the text_align variable, which must be one of "left", "center", or "right". Line height is controlled by the line_height variable, and size by the font_size variable.


The text color is taken from the color variable.